The Internet of Things brings new opportunities and new challenges for mission-critical applications where lives are at stake. Miroslav Bureš wrote an article for Red Hat Research Quarterly on testing critical IoT systems and the DTA research project.
The dissertation defense of Michal Trnka will take place on January 23, 2023. Register to watch it online.
Join us for the FutureMED 2022 conference dedicated to advanced healthcare technologies in civil and military medicine on September 23-24, 2022 in Hradec Králové.
The dissertation defense of Michal Trnka will take place on November 12, 2021 at 15:00. Registration to watch online is required.
A team of the DTA project participated in the exercise of the University of Defence in the military training area Tisá.
How can wearables assist patients in the rehabilitation after Covid-19? Find out in the recently broadcasted show at the Czech Radio (ČRo Radiožurnál) where our researcher Miroslav Bureš introduced the multidisciplinary TERESA project.
The experts from the TERESA project (TEleREhabilitation Self-training Assistant) were interviewed for the Czech Radio (ČRo Plus) on July 29, 2021.
The joined TERESA project will enable the rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients in the home environment and allow them to share data with their doctors via fitness wearables.
The Digital Triage Assistant project was featured on Czech Television - ČT24 on July 2, 2021.
The new collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University and other partners of the Digital Triage Assistant (DTA) project will help with treatment of wounded soldiers in combat situations.
Our joint project with ŠKODA AUTO is featured in the latest issue of the university magazine TecniCall which focused on Industry 4.0.
We cooperate on ideathon Hack the Mind. Hack the Brain. Help Us Understand dedicated to the actual topic of cognitive warfare technologies. STILL research group is among the key organizers.
May 2020: ŠKODA AUTO cooperates with our Software testing IntelLigent Lab (STILL) on the Proof-of-Concept of automated generation of test scenarios for car end tests.