Bureš, M., Černý, T., Al-Beywanee, B. 2019 Internet of Things: Current Challenges in the Quality Assurance and Testing Methods, detail
Al-Beywanee, B., Bureš, M. 2019 Testing of Smart TV Applications: Key Ingredients, Challenges and Proposed Solutions, detail
Al-Beywanee, B., Bureš, M., Frajták, K., Cerny, T. 2019 Aspects of Quality in Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions: A Systematic Mapping Study, detail
Bureš, M., Al-Beywanee, B., Zamli, K., Din, F. 2018 A hybrid Q-learning sine-cosine-based strategy for addressing the combinatorial test suite minimization problem, detail
Almog, D., Chassidim, H.S., Tsubery, Y., Bureš, M., Mark, S. 2018 Conceptual Approach for Reuse of Test Automation Artifacts on Various Architectural Levels, detail
Bureš, M., Jaroš, M., Pechanec, J., Bunciak, S. 2018 PatrIoT framework - první prototyp, detail
Bureš, M., Filipský, M., Jelínek, I. 2018 Identification of Potential Reusable Subroutines in Recorded Automated Test Scripts, detail
Bureš, M., Frajták, K., Al-Beywanee, B. 2018 Tapir: Automation Support of Exploratory Testing Using Model Reconstruction of the System Under Test, detail
Bureš, M., Černý, T., Klíma, M. 2017 Prioritized Process Test: More Efficiency in Testing of Business Processes and Workflows, detail
Černý, T., Bureš, M. 2017 Static Testing Using Different Types of CRUD Matrices, detail
Bureš, M. 2017 Requirements for IoT QA framework developed by Quality Assurance System for Internet of Things Technology project, TH02010296-V2, detail
Bureš, M. 2017 Specification of the IoT QA framework developed by Quality Assurance System for Internet of Things Technology project, TH02010296-V3, detail
Bureš, M. 2017 Framework for Integration Testing of IoT Solutions, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2017 Exploratory testing supported by automated reengineering of model of the system under test, detail
Bureš, M., Cerny, T., Frajták, K., Al-Beywanee, B. 2017 Testing the consistency of business data objects using extended static testing of CRUD matrices, detail
Bureš, M., Al-Beywanee, B. 2017 On the Effectiveness of Combinatorial Interaction Testing: A Case Study, detail
Al-Beywanee, B., Bureš, M., Zamli, K., Afzal, W. 2017 Constrained Interaction Testing: A Systematic Literature Study, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2016 Model–Based Testing and Exploratory Testing: Is Synergy Possible?, detail
Bureš, M., Filipský, M. 2016 SmartDriver: Extension of Selenium WebDriver to Create More Efficient Automated Tests, detail
Bureš, M., Renda, M., Doležel, M., Grossl, Z., Komárek, M., Macek, O., Mlynář, R., Svoboda, P. 2016 Efektivní testování softwaru, detail
Bureš, M., Černý, T., Kubr, J., Klíma, M., Hopp, L., Rechtberger, V. 2016 Oxygen - platform for automated generation of test cases from a model of system under test, detail
Bureš, M. 2015 Framework for Assessment of Web Application Automated Testability, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2015 Using the Interaction Flow Modelling Language for Generation of Automated Front–End Tests, detail
Bureš, M. 2015 Metrics for Automated Testability of Web Applications, detail
Filipský, M., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2015 Automated Optimization of Functional Recorded Tests, detail
Bureš, M., Koula, O. 2015 System for Analysis of Testability of Web Application by Automated Test, detail
Bureš, M. 2015 PCTgen: Automated Generation of Test Cases for Application Workflows, detail
Bureš, M. 2015 Model for Evaluation and Cost Estimations of the Automated Testing Architecture, detail
Filipský, M., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2015 Creating Smart Tests from Recorded Automated Test Cases, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2015 Transformation of IFML Schemas to Automated Tests, detail
Bureš, M. 2014 Automated Testing in the Czech Republic: The Current Situation and Issues, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2014 Reducing user input validation code in web applications using Pex extension, detail
Bureš, M. 2014 Optimization of the Test Strategy and Efficient Operational Decisions during the Testing of Complex Software Systems: An Approach Based on Simulation of Testing Process, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2014 Pex extension for generating user input validation code for web applications, detail
Bureš, M. 2014 Change Detection System for the Maintenance of Automated Testing, detail
Bureš, M., Lowinger, L. 2014 PCTgen - Process Cycle Test Cases Generator, detail
Filipský, M., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2013 Finding Common Subsequences in Recorded Test Cases, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2012 Formal specification to support advanced model based testing, detail
Filipský, M., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2012 Framework for Better Efficiency of Automated Testing, detail
Filipský, M., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2012 BUILDING TEST SUITES FROM TEST RECORDINGS OF WEB, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2012 Web Software Systems Testing Supported by Model-Based Direct Guidance of the Tester, detail
Frajták, K., Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2011 Manual testing of web software systems supported by direct guidance of the tester based on design model, detail
Vališová, A., Bureš, M. 2011 Výchova k práci s informacemi a informačními prameny, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2011 Open Solution for Generation of Draft Test Cases from Design Documentation, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2010 Quality Assurance of Web-based Application: Approach Based on Independent Verification of Analysis and Design, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2008 Framework for Easy and Effective Implementation of Adaptive Features in Web Portal, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2007 Towards the Reusable User Data in Adaptive Hypermedia Systems - The External Mapping of User Parameters between Systems, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2006 Automatic Generation of User Model from Non-Trivial Hypermedia in Adaptive E-Learning Hypermedia System, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2006 Formal Description of Adaptive Web System for E-learning Purposes, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2006 Decision Theorem for Construction of Adaptive Hypermedia System, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2006 SACS - Pilot Implementation of System Providing AICC-Compliant Reusable Adaptive Hypermedia E-Learning Content, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2006 Integration of User Data in Adaptive Hypermedia System, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 Methodology of E-learning Adaptive Hypermedia System Implementation: Automated Verification of Adaptive Course Output, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 Using AICC to Create Reusable Adaptive Hypermedia E-learning Content, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 Implementation of Adaptive Features in Existing Nonadaptive Web Applications, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 E-Learning adaptive hypermedia system features in relation to characteristics of users, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 Formal Description of Change Management in Adaptive E-learning Environment, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 Nová generace webových technologií, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 Reusable Adaptive Hypermedia E-learning Content Using AICC and SCORM, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 The Effective Optimization of Change Process in Adaptive Web, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2005 Zvýšení efektivity e-learningu využitím individuálního přizpůsobení systému studentovi, detail
Bureš, M. 2004 Počítač jako učitel, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2004 Adaptivní webové systémy a hodnocení kvality hypermediálních dokumentu, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2004 Adaptivní webové systémy jako řešení pro uživatele se specifickými potřebami, detail
Jelínek, I., Bureš, M. 2004 Co jsou adaptivní hypermédia?, detail
Bureš, M. 2004 Perspektivy využívání e-learningu a pedagogická praxe, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2004 Formal Description of the Adaptive Web System for E-learning, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2004 Description of the Adaptive Web System for Elearning, detail
Bureš, M., Fiala, B., Moll, I., Moll, P. 2004 Adaptivní přístup ke studentovi a zkušenosti z projektu s různorodou cílovou skupinou, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2004 Particular Design of Structure for Exact Evaluation of E-learning Hypermedia Documents in Context of Hypermedia Adaptation Process, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2004 Acquiring the Exact Users Feedback Data in Context of E-learning Hypermedia Adaptation Process, detail
Bureš, M. 2003 Hodnocení kvality webových výukových dokumentů, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2003 Koncepce a technologie pro budoucí rozvoj E-learningu, detail
Bureš, M. 2003 Velká databáze pro strukturovaná data, detail
Bureš, M., Jelínek, I. 2003 Formální popis adaptivního webového systému, detail