Design and Implementation of User Interfaces

Semestr: Summer

Range: 2+2s


Credits: 4

Programme type: Undefined

Study form:

Course language:


Introduction into user interfaces, levels of input and output, basic elements of user interfaces, user support in UI, formal methods for UI description, psychological and ergonomic aspects of UI design and implementation, standardisation of UI, evaluation of UI.


Interaction, formal description of interaction, usability, accessibility

Course syllabus:

1. What is user interface?
2. Levels of inputs and outputs
3. Implementation of basic elements of UI
4. Information presentation to the user
5. Color as the communication medium
6. User support in the UI environment
7. User model of UI
8. Formal methods for dialogue description
9. Psychological and ergonomic aspects of UI design
10. Interfaces for groupwork (CSCW, groupware, ...)
11. Testing user interfaces
12. Evaluation of user interfaces
13. Standardization of user interfaces
14. Standard tools for UI design

Seminar syllabus:

1. - 2. Specification of individual projects
3. - 4. Introductory study to the project
5. - 6. Consultations to pilot implementation
7. - 8. Presentation of pilot solutions
9. - 10. Consultations to final solution
11. - 12. Consultation to the choice of debugging tools
13. - 14. Final presentation


[1] Dix, A., Finlay, J., Abowd,G., Beale,R.: Human-Computer Interaction. Prentice Hall, New York 1993
[2] Preece, J.: Human-Computer Interaction. Addison Wesley, New York 1994
[3] Larson, J.A.: Interactive Software. Yourdon Press, New Jersey, 1992


