Design of Computer Logic

Semestr: Winter

Range: 2+3s


Credits: 5

Programme type: Undefined

Study form:

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Structure of processor parts, communication between processor and its environment, processor memories. Arithmetic unit, error control codes, data compression methods, organisation of processor memories, processor behaviour, control unit structure and design, buses.


Codes for signed number representation, arithmetic operation, ALU, control unit, microprogramming, memories, CAM, cache, bus, interrupt, virtual memories, error control codes.

Course syllabus:

1. Adders, subtracters and shifters
2. Ways to represent signed numbers
3. Circuits to multiply
4. Circuits to divide
5. General basic principles of error control codes
6. Linear codes
7. Cyclic codes
8. Data compression
9. Processor inner memories and their organization
10. Operational code and structure of computer control unit
11. Ways to implement controllers
12. Buses
13. Processor to peripherals and vice versa communication
14. Reserve

Seminar syllabus:

1. Architecture of simple educational processor
2. Structure of microprogrammed circuits
3. Design of ALU for educational processor
4. Design of CU and interface for educational processor
5. Overall concept of microprograms for educational processor
6. Simulation of educational processor
7. Linear codes
8. Cyclic codes
9. Coders and decoders for error-control codes
10. Representations of signed numbers
11. Floating point representations
12. Partial design of ALU
13. Design of hard-wired controller
14. Assessment


[1] Patterson, D.A., Hennessy, J.L: Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware/Software Interface. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo 1993
[2] Pollard, L.H.: Computer Design and Architecture. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1990
[3] Goor, A.J. van de: Computer Architecture and Design. Addison-Wesley, Wokingham 1989
[4] Hayes, J.P.: Computer Architecture and Organization. McGraw-Hill, New York 1988


