Semestr: Winter
Range: 2P+2C
Credits: 6
Programme type:
Study form: Fulltime
Course language: Czech
The course A Practical Approach to The Software Engineering systematically covers primary and support software engineering activities. Further, software project management, software process, software maintenance and software proposal writing will be mentioned for an appropriate context. All topics covered will be illustrated on real world project situations. A typical lecture will include theory basics, minimal practices, checklists and templates, samples from real world projects and recommended reading.
Software Engineering, software projects, practice.
1. An Introduction to the Software Engineering Discipline Including its Context.
2. Requirements Engineering.
3. Software Architecture and Design.
4. Software Construction.
5. Software Testing.
6. Documentation, Validation, Verification and Quality Assurance.
7. Software Configuration Management.
8. Development Environment, Release Management, Acceptance and Production Environment.
9. Software Maintenance.
10. Software Project Management, Project Organization and SDLCs.
11. Software Estimations, Software Planning, Project Histories and Software Proposal Writing.
12. Software Process.
13. Summary, Illustrations, Discussions, Bibliography, Resourcesand Preparation for the Test.
a. proposal
b. project plan, harmonogram, estimates, boundary conditions
c. specification
d. architecture and design
e. programming / design practices; ex post code review
f. automated tests
g. configuration management processes and procedures
h. development environment and automated build, deploy and test
i. delivery
j. acceptance and qualification test
k. documentation
l. project main site
m. project history
n. procedures and processes for developing and maintaining
[1] Pressman R.: Software Engineering: A Practitioner's
Approach. 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2001.
[2] Dorfman, M. and Thayer, R.: Software Engineering. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 2000.
[3] Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (