
Anděl, M., Kléma, J., Krejčík, Z. 2013 Integrating mRNA and miRNA Expression with Interaction Knowledge to Differentiate Myelodysplastic Syndrome, detail

Kléma, J., Zahálka, J., Anděl, M., Krejčík, Z. 2014 Knowledge-based Subtractive Integration of mRNA and miRNA Expression Profiles to Differentiate Myelodysplastic Syndrome, detail

Kulich, M., Faigl, J., Kléma, J., Kubalík, J. 2004 Rescue Operation Planning by Soft Computing Techniques, detail

Nováková, L., Kléma, J., Jakob, M., Štěpánková, O., Rawles, S. 2003 Trend analysis and risk identification, detail

Kléma, J., Lhotská, L., Štěpánková, O. 1995 Knowledge Acquisition for Natural Language Processing, detail

Kléma, J., Lhotská, L. 1995 Machine Learning, Applications in Natural Language Processing, detail

Kléma, J. 1995 Machine Learning, Applications in Modelling of Dynamic, detail

Kléma, J. 1995 Příklady použití metody PC-GUHA, detail

Lhotská, L., Vlček, T., Kouba, Z., Přeučil, L., Lažanský, J., Štěpánková, O., Mařík, V., Kléma, J., Hazdra, T. 1996 A Multi-Agent System in Transport Management, detail

Kléma, J. 1996 Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Distributed Environment Discim, detail

Kléma, J., Kubalík, J., Lauryn, Š. 1997 Background Knowledge in Machine Learning Methods, detail

Kléma, J. 1996 Use of Machine Learning Algorithms in Distributed Environment, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Lauryn, Š., Štěpánková, O., Mařík, V. 1997 AI Methods for Intelligent Pump Diagnostics II, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J., Štěpánková, O., Mařík, V. 1997 Gas Take-off Analysis, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J., Štěpánková, O. 1997 Intelligent Pump Diagnostics by Means of Attribute Space Transformation, detail

Hetmerová, A., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 1997 A Toolbox for Generation of Decision Trees from Data, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J., Lauryn, Š. 1997 AI Methods for Intelligent Pump Diagnostics, detail

Lhotská, L., Vlček, T., Kouba, Z., Přeučil, L., Lažanský, J., Štěpánková, O., Mařík, V., Kléma, J., Hazdra, T. 1996 A Multi-Agent System in Transport Management, detail

Kléma, J. 1998 Chybová diagnostika pomocí metod strojového učení.Případová studie:chybová diagnostika čerpadla, detail

Lhotská, L., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 1998 Problems of Learning in Multi-Agent Systems, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J., Mařík, V., Štěpánková, O. 1998 Gas Take-off Analysis, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J. 1998 Predikce spotřeby plynu, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J. 1998 Predikce spotřeby plynu, detail

Kléma, J., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O. 1998 Predictive Model of Heart Operation Result-Built on Merged National Registry on Cardiovascular Interventions of MEDICON Center, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J., Štěpánková, O., Flek, O., Unsworth, P., Vetcha, S. 1998 Fault Diagnostics of Intelligent Pump, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J. 1999 Prediction of Gas Consumption, detail

Kléma, J. 1999 Case-Based Reasoning in Health Data Analysis, detail

Štěpánková, O., Mikšovský, P., Pěchouček, M., Matoušek, K., Kléma, J. 1999 Inductive Logic Programming as a Tool for Knowledge Extraction, detail

Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O., Vejmelka, M. 1999 PreDO: Data Generator of Precisely Defined Objects for Machine, detail

Lhotská, L., Kléma, J. 1999 Utilization of Machine Learning Methods in Multi-agent Systems, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 2000 Fault Diagnostics of Intelligent Pump, detail

Kléma, J., Lhotská, L., Štěpánková, O., Palouš, J. 2000 Instance-Based Modelling in Medical Systems, detail

Kléma, J., Palouš, J. 2000 Modelování v systémech případového usuzování (pro lékařské aplikace), detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J. 2000 Intelligent Pump Diagnostics and Control, detail

Kléma, J. 2000 Data Mining Algorithms and their Application in PATS, detail

Kléma, J. 2000 Instance-Based Reasoning for Mortality Prediction, detail

Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O., Palouš, J., Veljmelka, M. 2000 Využití strojového učení pro predikci mortality na Sloučeným registrem srdečních operací střediska MEDICON, detail

Palouš, J., Kléma, J. 2000 IBARET-Instance-Based Reasoning Tool, detail

Kléma, J., Mikšovský, P. 2000 Predikce spotřeby plynu a vody, detail

Šorf, M., Kubalík, J., Fejtová, M., Janků, L., Kléma, J. 2001 Biological Data Processing Using Artificial Intelligence Methods, detail

Šorf, M., Kubalík, J., Janků, L., Fejtová, M., Kléma, J. 2001 Zpracování biologických dat metodami umělé inteligence, detail

Kléma, J., Palouš, J. 2001 Případové usuzování a rozhodování, detail

Kléma, J. 2001 Využití strojového učení pro predikci mortality, detail

Sprogar, M., Kokol, P., Zorman, M., Podgorelec, V., Lhotská, L., Kléma, J. 2001 Notes on Medical Decision Model Creation, detail

Kléma, J., Palouš, J. 2001 iBARET - Instance-Based Reasoning Tool, detail

Sprogar, M., Kokol, P., Zorman, M., Podgorelec, V., Lhotská, L., Kléma, J. 2001 Second Opinion Decision Tress, detail

Sprogar, M., Kokol, P., Zorman, M., Podgorelec, V., Lhotská, L., Kléma, J. 2001 Second Opinion Decision Trees, detail

Kléma, J., Palouš, J. 2001 Sharing Models in Instance-Based Reasoning, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Mařík, V. 2001 Intelligent Pump Diagnostics and Control, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Ertl, O., Mařík, V. 2001 Heating Pump Control by Means of Valve Openness Prediction, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Ertl, O. 2001 On Improving of Robust Valve Openness Control, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Ertl, O. 2001 On Improving of Robust Valve Openness Control II, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Ertl, O. 2001 Extraction of Heating System Parameters, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Ertl, O. 2001 From Pump Measurable Variables to Average Valve Openness-Minimal System, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Ertl, O. 2001 From Minimal System to Iterative Approach, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J., Mařík, V. 2001 Intelligent Pump Diagnostics and Control-Project Summary, detail

Kléma, J. 2002 Prototype Applications of Instance-Based Reasoning, detail

Enevoldsen, L., Kout, J., Kléma, J. 2002 Cooporation between Industry and Universities: Examples and Experience, detail

Kléma, J. 2002 Machine Learning in Diagnostics and Time Series Prediction, detail

Štěpánková, O., Lauryn, Š., Aubrecht, P., Kléma, J., Mikšovský, P., Nováková, L., Palouš, J. 2002 Data Mining for Resource Allocation: A Case Study, detail

Kléma, J., Kubalík, J., Palouš, J. 2002 Optimized Model Tuning in Medical Systems, detail

Štěpánková, O., Kléma, J., Mikšovský, P. 2002 Collaborative Data Mining and Data Exchange: A Case Study, detail

Štěpánková, O., Kléma, J., Lauryn, Š., Mikšovský, P., Nováková, L. 2002 Data Mining for Resource Allocation:A Case Study, detail

Kléma, J., Železný, F. 2003 Data-Mining and Decision-Support Systems Integration, detail

Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O., Nováková, L. 2003 Predictive Medical Data Mining: Case Study, detail

Železný, F., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 2003 Strojové učení v dobývání znalostí, detail

Štěpánková, O., Kléma, J., Železný, F. 2003 Rozpoznávání zajímavých souvislostí v datech, detail

Štěpánková, O., Kléma, J., Mikšovský, P. 2003 Collaborative Data Mining with Ramsys and SumatraTT: Prediction of Resources for a Health Farm, detail

Lhotská, L., Kubalík, J., Kléma, J., Palouš, J., Kokol, P. 2003 Intelligent Medical Data Analysis, detail

Nováková, L., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 2004 Anachronické atributy a dobývání znalostí, detail

Kléma, J., Kout, J., Vejmelka, M. 2004 Predictive System for Multivariate Time Series, detail

Kout, J., Kléma, J. 2004 Predikční systém pro distribuční společnosti, detail

Kubalík, J., Kléma, J., Kulich, M. 2004 Application of Soft Computing Techniques to Rescue Operation Planning, detail

Hyánková-Svobodová, J., Kléma, J., Hačkajlo, D. 2004 Dvouleté sledování pacientů po kardiochirurgických výkonech, detail

Nováková, L., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 2004 Anachronistic attributes and data mining, detail

Kléma, J., Flek, O., Kout, J., Nováková, L. 2004 Intelligent Diagnosis and Learning in Centrifugal Pumps, detail

Kléma, J., Nováková, L., Karel, F., Štěpánková, O. 2004 Trend Analysis in Stulong Data, detail

Kout, J., Hejný, T., Kléma, J. 2004 Inteligentní rozhodování a řízení v distribučních sítích, detail

Nováková, L., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 2004 Anachronistic Attributes in Temporal Data: A Case Study, detail

Karel, F., Kléma, J. 2005 Dolování ordinálních asociačních pravidel, detail

Kubalík, J., Pošík, P., Lhotská, L., Kléma, J. 2005 Applications of Genetic Algorithms, detail

Nováková, L., Kléma, J., Štěpánková, O. 2005 Získávání znalostí z longitudinálních studií, detail

Kout, J., Vlček, T., Kléma, J. 2005 Predictive System for Multivariate Time Series, detail

Kléma, J., Holas, T., Železný, F., Karel, F. 2005 Mining the Strongest Patterns in Medical Sequential Data, detail

Kléma, J. 2005 Mining Patterns In Medical Sequential Data, detail

Kléma, J., Kubalík, J., Lhotská, L. 2005 Optimized Model Tuning in Medical Systems, detail

Kléma, J., Soulet, A., Cremilleux, B., Blachon, S., Gandrilon, O. 2006 Mining Plausible Patterns from Genomic Data, detail

Charnois, T., Durand, N., Kléma, J. 2006 Automated Information Extraction from Gene Summaries, detail

Soulet, A., Kléma, J., Cremilleux, B. 2006 Efficient Mining under Flexible Constraints through Several Datasets, detail

Kléma, J., Almonayyes, A. 2006 Classification of Fanatic Texts Using Random Forests, detail

Karel, F., Kléma, J. 2006 Adaptivity in e-learning, detail

Kléma, J., Almonayyes, A. 2006 Automatic categorization of fanatic texts using random forests, detail

Mareš, J., Szakácsová, M., Železný, F., Kléma, J., Soukup, V., Dušková, J., Babjuk, M. 2007 Differences in Gene Expression between Transitional Cell Carcinoma of The Human Bladder with Short and Prolonged Recurrence Free Period Using Oligonucleotide Micorarrays, detail

Karel, F., Kléma, J. 2007 Quantitative Association Rule Mining in Genomics, detail

Stryczek, K., Horáček, P., Kléma, J., Castells, X., Stewart, B., Geoffroy, J.-M. 2007 Capitalizing on Aggregate Data for Gaining Process Understanding--Effect of Raw Material, Environmental and Process Conditions on the Dissolution Rate of a Sustained Release Product, detail

Soulet, A., Kléma, J., Cremilleux, B. 2007 Efficient Mining Under Rich Constraints Derived from Various Datasets, detail

Kléma, J., Nováková, L., Karel, F., Štěpánková, O., Železný, F. 2008 Sequential Data Mining: A Comparative Case Study in Development of Atherosclerosis Risk Factors, detail

Kléma, J., Šilhavá, J., Smrž, P., Železný, F. 2008 Gene Expression Data Mining Guided by Genomic Background Knowledge, detail

Kléma, J., Blachon, S., Soulet, A., Cremilleux, B., Gandrillon, O. 2008 Constraint-based knowledge discovery from SAGE data, detail

Holec, M., Železný, F., Kléma, J., Svoboda, J., Tolar, J. 2008 Using Bio-Pathways in Relational Learning, detail

Cremilleux, B., Soulet, A., Kléma, J., Celine, H., Gandrillion, O. 2009 Discovering Knowledge from Local Patterns in SAGE Data, detail

Kléma, J., Železný, F., Trajkovski, I., Karel, F., Cremilleux, B., Tolar, J. 2009 Gene Expression Mining Guided by Background Knowledge, detail

Železný, F., Kléma, J., Holec, M., Bělohradský, J. 2008 XGENE.ORG: Cross-GENomE Cross-ORGanism expression data analysis, detail

Krejník, M., Kléma, J. 2009 Knowledge-Based Feature Extraction in Genomics, detail

Kléma, J., Holas, T., Železný, F., Karel, F. 2008 Dolování silných vzorů z lékařských sekvenčních dat, detail

Holec, M., Železný, F., Kléma, J., Tolar, J. 2009 Integrating Multiple Platform Expression Data through Gene Set Features, detail

Plantevit, M., Charnois, T., Kléma, J., Rigotti, Ch., Cremilleux, B. 2009 Combining Sequence and Itemset Mining to Discover Named Entities in Biomedical Texts: A New Type of Pattern, detail

Holec, M., Kléma, J., Železný, F., Bělohradský, J., Tolar, J. 2009 Cross-Genome Knowledge-Based Expression Data Fusion, detail

Holec, M., Železný, F., Kléma, J., Tolar, J. 2010 A Comparative Evaluation of Gene Set Analysis Techniques in Predictive Classification of Expression Samples, detail

Holec, M., Železný, F., Kléma, J., Tolar, J. 2010 Comparative Evaluation of Set Level Techniques in Predictive Classification of Gene Expression Samples, detail

Holec, M., Železný, F., Kléma, J., Tolar, J. 2010 Towards Set Level Predictive Classification of Gene Expression Data, detail

Vítovec, P., Kléma, J. 2011 Gene Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Texts by Sentence Skeletonization, detail

Kléma, J., Holec, M., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2011 Comparative Evaluation of Set-Level Techniques in Microarray Classification, detail

Hrdlička, J., Kléma, J. 2011 Schizophrenia Prediction with the Adaboost Algorithm, detail

Vítovec, P., Kléma, J. 2011 Sequential Patterns for Extracting Protein-protein Interactions From Biomedical Texts, detail

Vítovec, P., Kléma, J. 2011 Gene Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Texts by Sentence Skeletonization, detail

Líbalová, H., Uhlířová, K., Kléma, J., Machala, M., Šrám, R., Topinka, J. 2011 Globální změny genové exprese v lidských embryonálních plicních fibroblastech indukované organickými extrakty prachových částic z ovzduší, detail

Líbalová, H., Uhlířová, K., Kléma, J., Machala, M., Šrám, R., Ciganek, M., Topinka, J. 2012 Global Gene Expression Changes in Human Embryonic Lung Fibroblasts Induced by Organic Extracts From Respirable Air Particles, detail

Krejník, M., Kléma, J. 2012 Empirical Evidence of the Applicability of Functional Clustering through Gene Expression Classification, detail

Holec, M., Kléma, J., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2012 Comparative Evaluation of Set-level Techniques in Predictive Classification of Gene Expression Samples, detail

Kléma, J. 2012 Machine Learning Applications in Bioinformatics, detail

Girmanova, E., Brabcová, I., Kléma, J., Hřibová, P., Wohlfartova, M., Skibova, J., Viklický, O. 2012 Molecular Networks Involved in the Immune Control of BK Polyomavirus, detail

Topinka, J., Líbalová, H., Hanzalová, K., Kléma, J., Sram, R.J. 2011 Deregulated Genes and Pathways in Human Embryonic Lung Fibroblasts (HEL 12469) treated with Complex Mixtures of the Air Pollutants, detail

Líbalová, H., Uhlířová, K., Kléma, J., Machala, M., Cigánek, M., Topinka, J., Sram, R.J. 2013 Global Gene Expression Changes Induced by Organic Extracts of Air Pollutants in Human Lung Cells, detail

Železný, F., Kléma, J. 2013 Využívání znalostí pro získávání znalostí, detail

Líbalová, H., Krčková, S., Uhlířová, K., Milcová, A., Schmuczerová, J., Cigánek, M., Kléma, J., Machala, M., Šrám, RJ, Topinka, J. 2014 Genotoxicity but not the AhR-mediated activity of PAHs is inhibited by other components of complex mixtures of ambient air pollutants, detail

Holec, M., Gologuzov, V., Kléma, J. 2014 miXGENE tool for learning from heterogeneous gene expression data using prior knowledge, detail

Dudakova, L., Stranecky, V., Kléma, J., Palos, M., Kalasova, S., Jirsova, K., Liskova, P. 2014 Genotyping of Lysyl Oxidase and Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Czech Keratoconic patients, detail

Kléma, J. 2012 Learning from Heterogeneous Genomic Data, detail

Anděl, M., Kléma, J., Krejčík, Z. 2014 Network-Constrained Forest for Regularized Omics Data Classification, detail

Líbalová, H., Krčková, S., Uhlířová, K., Kléma, J., Ciganek, M., Rossener Jr., P., Šrám, R.J., Vondráček, J., Machala, M., Topinka, J. 2014 Analysis of Gene Expression Changes in A549 Cells Induced by Organic Compounds from Respirable Air Particles, detail

Štepanovský, M., Kléma, J., Železný, F. 2014 Analysis of the Relationship Between Process and Vibex Data, detail

Krejčík, Z., Beličková, M., Hruštincová, A., Kléma, J., Zemanová, Z., Michalová, K., Čermák, J., Jonášová, A., Merkerová, M.D. 2015 Aberrant expression of miRNA cluster in 14q32 region is associated with del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome and lenalidomide treatment, detail

Cellier, P., Charnois, T., Plantevit, M., Rigotti, Ch., Crémilleux, B., Gandrillon, O., Kléma, J., Manguin, J. 2015 Sequential Pattern Mining for Discovering Gene Interactions and their Contextual Information from Biomedical Texts, detail

Dostalova Merkerova, M., Krejcik, Z., Belickova, M., Hrustincova, A., Kléma, J., Stara, E., Zemanova, Z., Michalova, K., Cermak, J., Jonasova, A. 2015 Genome-wide miRNA Profiling in Myelodysplastic Syndrome with del(5q) Treated with Lenalidomide, detail

Anděl, M., Kléma, J., Krejčík, Z. 2015 Network-Constrained Forest for Regularized Classification of Omics Data, detail

Kléma, J., Strnad, P., Anděl, M., Holec, M., Gologuzov, V. 2015 miXGENE, detail

Kunc, V., Kléma, J., Anděl, M. 2015 Increasing Weak Classifier Diversity by Omics Networks, detail

Anděl, M., Kléma, J., Masri, F., Krejčík, Z., Beličková, M. 2015 Sparse Omics-network Regularization to Increase Interpretability and Performance of Linear Classification Models, detail

Kléma, J., Zahálka, J., Anděl, M., Krejčík, Z. 2015 Interaction-Based Aggregation of mRNA and miRNA Expression Profiles to Differentiate Myelodysplastic Syndrome, detail

Anděl, M., Kléma, J. 2016 Predikce toxicity nanočástic, detail

Kléma, J., Malinka, F., Železný, F. 2016 Semantic Biclustering: A New Way to Analyze and Interpret Gene Expression Data, detail

Pluskal, O., Kléma, J. 2016 Action Based Feature Extraction from User Logs, detail

Beličková, M., Merkerová, M., Votavová, H., Válka, J., Veselá, J., Pejsová, B., Hájková, H., Kléma, J., Čermák, J., Jonášová, A. 2016 Up-regulation of ribosomal genes is associated with a poor response to azacitidine in myelodysplasia and related neoplasms, detail

Malinka, F., Kléma, J., Železný, F. 2016 Sémantická dvojshluková analýza dat genové exprese, detail

Líbalová, H, Vrbová, K, Brzicová, T., Sikorová, J., Milcová, A., Vojtíšek, M., Beránek, V., Kléma, J., Neča, J., Cigánek, M., Machala, M., Pěnčíková, K., Topinka, J. 2016 Comparative analysis of the toxic responses of organic extracts from diesel/biodiesel engine emissions in human lung BEAS-2B cells, detail

Líbalová, H., Rossner, P., Vrbová, K., Brzicová, T., Sikorová, J., Vojtisek-Lom, M., Beránek, V., Kléma, J., Cigánek, M., Neča, J., Pěnčíková, K., Machala, M., Topinka, J. 2016 Comparative Analysis of Toxic Responses of Organic Extracts from Diesel and Selected Alternative Fuels Engine Emissions in Human Lung BEAS-2B Cells, detail

Libalova, H., Rossner, P., Jr., Vrbova, K., Brzicova, T., Sikorova, J., Vojtíšek, M., Beránek, V., Kléma, J., Ciganek, M., Neca, J., Pencikova, K., Machala, M., Topinka, J. 2016 Comparative Analysis of Toxic Responses of Organic Extracts from Diesel and Selected Alternative Fuels Engine Emissions in Human Lung BEAS-2B Cells, detail

Anděl, M., Strnad, P., Kléma, J. 2016 miXGENE: an Effective Public Tool for Integrative Analysis of High-throuhput Omics Data, detail

Lišková, P., Dudáková, L., Křepelová, A., Kléma, J., Hysi, P. 2017 Replication of SNP Associations with Keratoconus in a Czech Cohort, detail

Kléma, J., Anděl, M., Votava, O. 2016 Zefektivnění veřejného systému miXGENE pro integrativní analýzu molekulárních dat, detail

Krejcik, Z., Merkerova, M., Belickova, M., Mrhalkova, A., Kléma, J. 2013 Microarray-based miRNA expression profiling in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome with deletion of chromosome 5q treated with lenalidomide, detail

Belickova, M., Jonasova, A., Vesela, J., Pejsova, B., Kléma, J. 2015 Patterns of DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes: Predictors of Demethylating Therapy Response, detail

Libalova, H., Vrbova, K., Brzicova, T., Sikorova, J., Vojtíšek, M., Beránek, V., Kléma, J. 2016 Comparative analysis of the toxic responses of organic extracts from diesel/biodiesel engine emissions in human lung BEAS-2B cells, detail

Líbalová, H., Vojtíšek, M., Kléma, J., Machala, M., Topinka, J. 2017 Mechanisms of toxicity of particulate emissions produced by different gasoline and alternative fuels in human lung cells, detail

Kléma, J., Malinka, F., Železný, F. 2017 Semantic biclustering for finding local, interpretable and predictive expression patterns, detail

Cigánek, M., Neča, J., Machala, M., Topinka, J., Libalova, H., Rossner, P., Vrbova, K., Brzicova, T., Vojtisek-Lom, M., Beránek, V., Kléma, J. 2018 Transcriptional response to organic compounds from diverse gasoline and biogasoline fuel emissions in human lung cells, detail


Procházková, J., Strapáčová, S., Svržková, L., Andrysík, Z., Hýžďalová, M., Hrubá, E., Pěnčíková, K., Líbalová, H., Topinka, J., Kléma, J., Espinosa, J.M., Vondráček, J., Machala, J. 2018 Adaptive changes in global gene expression profile of lung carcinoma A549 cells acutely exposed to distinct types of AhR ligands, detail

Honková, K., Rossnerová, A., Pavlíková, J., Švecová, V., Kléma, J., Topinka, J., Milcova, A., Líbalová, H., Choi, H., Velemínský, M., Sram, R.J., Rossner Jr, P. 2018 Gene Expression Profiling in Healthy Newborns from Diverse Localities of the Czech Republic, detail

Malinka, F., Železný, F., Kléma, J. 2018 Genomic single rule learning with an ontology-based refinement operator, detail

Brzicova, T., Sikorova, J., Milcova, A., Vrbova, K., Kléma, J., Pikal, P., Lubovska, Z., Philimonenko, V., Franco, F., Topinka, J., Rossner, P. 2019 Nano-TiO2 Stability in Medium and Size as Important Factors of Toxicity in Macrophage-like Cells, detail

Wohlfahrtova, M., Hruba, P., Kléma, J., Novotny, M., Krejcik, Z., Stranecky, V., Honsova, E., Vichova, P., Viklicky, O. 2018 Early Isolated V-lesion May Not Truly Represent Rejection of the Kidney Allograft, detail

Rynning, I., Arlt, W., Vrbová, K., Neča, J., Rossner Jr, P., Kléma, J., Ulvestad, B., Petersen, E., Skare, Ø., Haugen, A., Phillips H, D., Machala, M., Topinka, J., Mollerup, S. 2019 Bulky DNA adducts, microRNA profiles, and lipid biomarkers in Norwegian tunnel finishing workers occupationally exposed to diesel exhaust, detail

Kléma, J. 2018 Learning from large, complex and structured omics data., detail

Brzicova, T., Libalova, H., Vrbova, K., Sikorova, J., Philimonenko, V., Kléma, J., Topinka, J., Rossner, P. 2018 Whole-genome Expression Analysis in THP-1 Macrophage-like Cells Exposed to Diverse Nanomaterials, detail

Barvínek, J., Kléma, J., Železný, F. 2018 Rozpoznávání, zda je datový tok komprimovaný, nebo šifrovaný: rešerše literatury a experimentální vyhodnocení dostupných technik, detail

Daneshmand, A., Facchinei, F., Kungurtsev, V., Scutari, G. 2015 Hybrid Random/Deterministic Parallel Algorithms for Convex and Nonconvex Big Data Optimization, detail

Kungurtsev, V., Diehl, M. 2014 Sequential Quadratic Programming Methods for Parametric Nonlinear Optimization, detail

Gill, P.E., Kungurtsev, V., Robinson, D.P. 2016 A stabilized SQP Method: Global Convergence, detail

Gill, P.E., Kungurtsev, V., Robinson, D.P. 2017 A stabilized SQP Method: Global Convergence, detail

Gill, P.E., Kungurtsev, V., Robinson, D.P. 2016 A stabilized SQP Method: Superlinear Convergence, detail

Suwartadi, E., Kungurtsev, V., Jäschke, J. 2017 Sensitivity-Based Economic NMPC with a Path-Following Approach, detail

Kungurtsev, V., Pevný, T. 2016 Algorithms for Solving Optimization Problems Arsing from Deep Neural Net Models: Smooth Problems, detail

Daneshmand, A., Facchinei, F., Kungurtsev, V., Scutari, G. 2014 Flexible Selective Parallel Algorithms for Big Data Optimization, detail

Kungurtsev, V., Pilbauer, D., Vyhlídal, T., Hromčík, M., Michiels, W. 2017 Input Shaper Optimization with a Constraint on the Spectrum Distribution, detail

Kungurtsev, V., Jäschke, J. 2017 A Predictor-Corrector Path-Following Algorithm for Dual-Degenerate Parametric Optimization Problems, detail

Železný, F., Šourek, G. 2013 Reconstructing Events from Networks Flows: Progress Report, detail

Šourek, G., Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2014 Predicting Top-k Trends on Twitter using Graphlets and Time Features, detail

Šourek, G., Železný, F. 2014 Event Reconstruction from Network Flows, detail

Šourek, G., Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2015 Learning to detect network intrusion from a few labeled events and background traffic, detail

Šourek, G. 2015 VisualEA - Visual design of Evolutionary Optimizers for Engineering Applications, detail

Šourek, G., Pošík, P. 2015 Visual Data-Flow Framework of Evolutionary Computation, detail

Šourek, G., Pošík, P. 2015 Dynamic System Modeling of Evolutionary Algorithms, detail

Šourek, G., Železný, F. 2015 Learning to Detect Network Intrusion from a Few Labeled Events and Background Traffic, detail

Šourek, G., Železný, F., Kuželka, O., Pevný, T. 2015 Learning to create and exploit aggregative and relational properties of flow-sets, detail

Šourek, G., Aschenbrenner, V., Železný, F., Kuželka, O. 2016 Lifted Relational Neural Networks, detail

Šourek, G., Železný, F., Kuželka, O., Shockaert, S., Manandhar, S. 2017 Learning Predictive Categories Using Lifted Relational Neural Networks, detail

Svatoš, M., Šourek, G., Železný, F., Shockaert, S., Kuželka, O. 2018 Pruning Hypothesis Spaces Using Learned Domain Theories, detail

Šourek, G., Svatoš, M., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Schockaert, S. 2018 Stacked Structure Learning for Lifted Relational Neural Networks, detail

Hubáček, O., Šourek, G., Železný, F. 2019 Learning to predict soccer results from relational data with gradient boosted trees, detail

Šourek, G., Aschenbrenner, V., Železný, F., Schockaert, S., Kuželka, O. 2018 Lifted Relational Neural Networks: Efficient Learning of Latent Relational Structures, detail

Šourek, G., Hubáček, O., Železný, F. 2018 Lifted Relational Team Embeddings for Predictive Sports Analytics, detail

Šourek, G., Železný, F. 2019 Efficient Extraction of Network Event Types from NetFlows, detail

Hubáček, O., Šourek, G., Železný, F. 2018 Deep Learning from Spatial Relations for Soccer Pass Prediction, detail

Černoch, R., Železný, F. 2010 Classification and subgroup discovery using multirelational histograms, detail

Černoch, R., Železný, F. 2011 Probabilistic Rule Learning through Integer Linear Programming, detail

Černoch, R., Železný, F. 2010 Speeding Up Planning through Minimal Generalizations of Partially Ordered Plans, detail

Černoch, R., Železný, F. 2012 Subgroup Discovery through Bump Hunting on Relational Histograms, detail

Barták, RB, Černoch, R., Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2013 Formulating the template ILP consistency problem as a constraint satisfaction problem, detail

Železný, F., Kuželka, O., Holec, M., Černoch, R., Matas, J. 2013 Key/Lock system computation: progress report, detail

Mikšovský, P., Železný, F., Štěpánková, O., Pěchouček, M. 1999 Financial Data Challenge, detail

Mikšovský, P., Železný, F., Štěpánková, O., Pěchouček, M. 1999 Comparison of Selected Data Mining Techniques on Real-Life Data, detail

Tožička, J., Pěchouček, M., Železný, F. 2005 Modelling of Agents' Behavior with Semi-Collaborative Meta-Agents, detail

Rehák, M., Tožička, J., Pěchouček, M., Železný, F., Rollo, M. 2005 An Abstract Architecture for Computational Reflection in Multi-Agent Systems, detail

Železný, F. 1998 DNA algoritmy, detail

Železný, F., Lavrač, N. 1999 Analysis of Heuristic Rule Evaluation Measures, detail

Železný, F. 1999 DNA Computing, detail

Železný, F., Lavrač, N. 1999 Analysis of Heuristic Rule Evaluation Measures, detail

Železný, F. 1999 DNA algoritmy, detail

Železný, F. 1999 ILP Experiments for PKDD '99, detail

Mikšovský, P., Železný, F. 1999 Metody a aplikace KDD, detail

Železný, F., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O., Zídek, J. 2000 ILP for Automated Telephony, detail

Železný, F., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O., Zídek, J. 2000 ILP for Automated Telephony, detail

Železný, F., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O., Zídek, J. 2000 KDD in Telecommunications, detail

Lažanský, J., Mařík, V., Štěpánková, O., Železný, F. 2000 Velká všeobecná encyklopedie (a-bag), detail

Lažanský, J., Mařík, V., Štěpánková, O., Železný, F. 2000 Velká všeobecná encyklopedie (bah-bug), detail

Lažanský, J., Mařík, V., Štěpánková, O., Železný, F. 2000 Velká všeobecná encyklopedie (bur-doz), detail

Železný, F., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O., Zídek, J. 2001 The Scope and Limitations of Inductive Logic Programming, detail

Železný, F. 2001 Inductive Logic Programmning and its Use in Datamining, detail

Železný, F., Aubrecht, P., Mikšovský, P. 2001 Connecting Sumatra to Aleph and Other ILP Systems, detail

Železný, F. 2001 Knowledge Discovery in First Order Logic, detail

Železný, F. 2001 Learning Functional Logic Programs from Positive Data Containing Normally Distribute Noise, detail

Železný, F. 2001 Learning Functions from Imperfect Positive Data, detail

Aubrecht, P., Železný, F., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O. 2001 SumatraTT: ILP Connectivity and Additional Features, detail

Aubrecht, P., Železný, F., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O. 2001 Progress in SumatraTT: ILP Connectivity and More New Features, detail

Palouš, J., Železný, F. 2001 Learnability in Inductive Logic Programming, detail

Železný, F., Štěpánková, O., Zídek, J. 2002 A Learning System for Decision Support in Telecommunications, detail

Železný, F., Zídek, J. 2002 Dobývání znalostí a podpora rozhodování v telekomunikacích, detail

Aubrecht, P., Železný, F., Mikšovský, P., Štěpánková, O. 2002 SumatraTT: Towards a Universal Data Preprocessor, detail

Železný, F., Gamberger, D., Todorovski, L. 2002 Data Processing for a Marketing Application, detail

Cestnik, B., Lavrač, N., Železný, F., Gamberger, D., Todorovski, L., Kline, M. 2002 Data Mining for Decision Support in Marketing: A Case Study in Targeting a Marketing Campaign, detail

Železný, F., Srinivasan, A., Page, D. 2001 Lattice-Search Runtime Distributions May Be Heavy-Tailed, detail

Lavrac, N., Železný, F., Flach, P. 2001 Relational Subgroup Discovery through First-order Feature Construction, detail

Železný, F., Srinivasan, A., Page, D. 2003 Lattice-Search Runtime Distributions May Be Heavy-Tailed, detail

Lavrac, N., Železný, F., Flach, P. 2003 RSD: Relational Subgroup Discovery through First-order Feature Construction, detail

Železný, F., Štěpánková, O. 2003 Efektivní převod multirelační database na jednorelační reprezentaci, detail

Železný, F. 2003 Two Probabilistic Approaches to First-Order Theory Induction, detail

Krogel, M.A., Rawles, S., Železný, F., Flach, P., Lavrač, N., Wrobel, S. 2003 Comparative Evaluation of Approaches to Propositionalization, detail

Železný, F., Lavrač, N., Džeroski, S. 2003 Using Constraints in Relational Subgroup Discovery, detail

Železný, F., Lavrač, N., Džeroski, S. 2003 Constraint-Based Relational Subgroup Discovery, detail

Gamberger, D., Lavrač, N., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2004 Induction of Comprehensible Models for Gene Expression Datasets by Subgroup Discovery Methodology, detail

Železný, F. 2004 Efficiency-conscious Propositionalization for Relational Learning, detail

Železný, F., Srinivasan, A., Page, D. 2004 A Monte Carlo Study of Randomised Restarted Search in ILP, detail

Železný, F. 2003 Randomized Search Strategies for Efficient ILP, detail

Železný, F. 2003 Propositionalization via First-Order Logic Feature Construction, detail

Železný, F. 2004 Relational Machine Learning for Multi Agent Systems, detail

Železný, F. 2004 Randomized Restarted Search in Relational Machine Learning, detail

Železný, F. 2003 Ottova všeobecná encyklopedie ve dvou svazcích. A - L, detail

Železný, F. 2003 Ottova všeobecná encyklopedie ve dvou svazcích. M - Ž, detail

Železný, F. 2004 Tractable Construction of Relational Features, detail

Železný, F. 2004 Approaches to Propositionalization: State of the Art Review, detail

Gamberger, D., Lavrač, N., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2004 Induction of comprehensible models for gene expression datasets by subgroup discovery methodology, detail

Železný, F. 2005 Tractable Construction of Relational Features, detail

Železný, F. 2005 Analýza genomických dat algoritmy strojového učení, detail

Železný, F. 2005 How Computers Discover How Computers Discover (a review of algorithmic meta-discovery), detail

Lavrač, N., Železný, F., Džeroski, S. 2004 Local Patterns: Theory and Practice of Constraint-Based Relational Subgroup Discovery, detail

Železný, F. 2005 Efficient Sampling in Relational Feature Spaces, detail

Železný, F. 2005 Metody umělé inteligence pro analýzu dat genové exprese, detail

Železný, F. 2005 Efficient Construction of Relational Features, detail

Železný, F. 2005 Mining the Genome, detail

Železný, F., Tolar, J., Lavrač, N., Štěpánková, O. 2005 Relational Subgroup Discovery for Gene Expression Data Mining, detail

Železný, F. 2005 Artificial intelligence based inference of knowledge from gene expression microarray data, detail

Železný, F., Štěpánková, O., Tolar, J., Lavrač, N. 2006 Summarizing gene-expression-based classifiers by meta-mining comprehensible relational patterns, detail

Železný, F., Lavrač, N. 2006 Propositionalization based relational subgroup discovery with RSD, detail

Železný, F. 2006 Towards Adaptive Problem Solves, detail

Žáková, M., Železný, F., Garcia-Sedano, J., Masia Tissot, C., Lavrac, N., Křemen, P., Molina, J. 2006 Relational Data Mining Applied to Virtual Engineering of Product Designs, detail

Paes, A., Železný, F., Zaveruch, G., Page, D., Srinivasan, A. 2006 ILP through Propositionalization and Stochastic k-term DNF Learning, detail

Trajkovski, I., Železný, F., Tolar, J., Lavrac, N. 2006 Relational Subgroup Discovery for Descriptive Analysis of Microarray Data, detail

Železný, F., Srinivasan, A., Page, C.D. 2006 Randomised Restarted Search in ILP, detail

Trajkovski, I., Železný, F., Tolar, J., Lavrač, N. 2006 Relational Descriptive Analysis of Gene Expression Data, detail

Žáková, M., Křemen, P., Železný, F., Sedano, J.A., Tisot, C.M., Lavrač, N., Molina, J. 2007 Relational Pattern and Subgroup Discovery in CAD Documents, detail

Železný, F. 2006 RSD - Relational Subgroup Discovery, detail

Paes, A., Železný, F., Zaverucha, G., Page, D., Srinivasan, A. 2007 ILP Through Propositionalization and Stochastic k-Term DNF Learning, detail

Žáková, M., Železný, F., Garcia-Sedano, J., Massia Tisot, C., Lavrač, N., Křemen, P., Molina, J. 2007 Relational Data Mining Applied to Virtual Engineering of Product Designs, detail

Žáková, M., Železný, F. 2007 Exploiting Term, Predicate, and Feature Taxonomies in Propositionalization and Propositional Rule Learning, detail

Žáková, M., Železný, F., Křemen, P., Tissot, C.M., Lavrač, N. 2007 Relational Data Mining through Propositionalization and Subsequent Propositional Search for Semantic Virtual Engineering, detail

Trajkovski, I., Železný, F., Lavrač, N., Tolar, J. 2008 Learning Relational Descriptions of Differentially Expressed Gene Groups, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2008 Fast Estimation of First Order Clause Coverage through Randomization and Maximum Likelihood, detail

Žáková, M., Křemen, P., Železný, F., Lavrač, N. 2008 Planning to Learn with a Knowledge Discovery Ontology, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2008 Learning to Plan and Planning to Learn via Merging Relational Machine Learning with Constraint Satisfaction (extended abstract), detail

Železný, F., Lavrac, N. 2008 Inductive Logic Programming, 18th International Conference, Late Breaking Papers, detail

Železný, F., Lavrac, N. 2008 Inductive Logic Programming, 18th International Conference, detail

Moulík, K., Železný, F. 2008 Predicting Gene Coexpression from Pathway Relations, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2008 HiFi: Tractable Propositionalization through Hierarchical Feature Construction, detail

Žáková, M., Křemen, P., Železný, F., Lavrac, N. 2008 Using Ontological Reasoning and Planning for Data Mining Workflow Composition, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2008 A Restarted Strategy for Efficient Subsumption Testing, detail

Železný, F., Lavrač, T. 2009 Guest editors' introduction: Special issue on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2008), detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2009 Block-Wise Construction of Acyclic Relational Features with Monotone Irreducibility and Relevancy Properties, detail

Železný, F., Kuželka, O. 2010 Taming the Complexity of Inductive Logic Programming (invited talk), detail

Žáková, M., Podpečan, V., Železný, F., Lavrač, N. 2009 Advancing Data Mining Workflow Construction: A Framework and Cases using the Orange Toolkit, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2010 Mining Frequent Spatial Docking Patterns in Zinc Finger DNA Complexes, detail

Barták, R., Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2010 Using Constraint Satisfaction for Learning Hypotheses in Inductive Logic Programming, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2010 Prediction of DNA Binding Proteins from Structural Features, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2010 Shrinking Covariance Matrices using Biological Background Knowledge, detail

Žáková, M., Křemen, P., Železný, F., Lavrač, N. 2011 Automating Knowledge Discovery Workflow Composition Through Ontology-Based Planning, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2010 Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins from Relational Features, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2011 Block-Wise Construction of Tree-like Relational Features with Monotone Reducibility and Redundancy, detail

Zahálka, J., Železný, F. 2011 An Experimental Test of Occam's Razor in Classification, detail

Kubalík, J., Železný, F. 2010 Solving the Shortest Common Supersequence Problem Using Iterative Optimization with Evolved Hypermutations, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Morales, S.E., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2011 Prediction of DNA-Binding Propensity of Proteins by the Ball Histogram Method, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2011 Searching for Important Amino Acids in DNA-binding Proteins for Histogram Methods, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Holec, M., Železný, F. 2011 Gaussian Logic for Proteomics and Genomics, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2010 Seeing the World through Homomorphism: An Experimental Study on Reducibility of Examples, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Železný, F. 2011 Gaussian Logic and Its Applications in Bioinformatics, detail

Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2011 An Experimental Evaluation of Lifted Gene Sets, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Holec, M., Železný, F. 2011 Gaussian Logic for Predictive Classification, detail

Bělohradský, J., Monge, D., Železný, F., Garino, C.G., Holec, M. 2011 Template-Based Semi-Automatic Workflow Construction For Gene Expression Data Mining, detail

Monge, D., Bělohradský, J., Garino, C.G., Železný, F. 2011 A Performance Prediction Module for Workflow Scheduling, detail

Urbanová, M., Brabcová, I., Girmanová, E., Železný, F., Viklický, O. 2012 Differential Regulation of the Nuclear Factor-kappa B Pathway by Rabbit Antithymocyte Globulins in Kidney Transplantation, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2012 Prediction of DNA-Binding Propensity of Proteins by the Ball-Histogram Method Using Automatic Template Search, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2012 Přístupy k predikci interakce proteinů a DNA pomocí strojového učení, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Železný, F. 2012 Extending the Ball-Histogram Method with Continuous Distributions and an Application to Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2012 Prediction of Antimicrobial Activity of Peptides using Relational Machine Learning, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Železný, F. 2013 Reducing Examples in Relational Learning with Bounded-Treewidth Hypotheses, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Železný, F. 2012 Relational Learning with Polynomials, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2012 Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins from Relational Features, detail

Železný, F. 2012 Inductive Logic Programming, detail

Barták, R., Železný, F., Kuželka, O. 2012 Constraint Satisfaction for Learning Hypotheses in Inductive Logic Programming, detail

Blockeel, H., Kersting, K., Nijssen, S., Železný, F. 2012 A Revised Publication Model for ECML PKDD, detail

Blockeel, H., Kersting, K., Nijssen, S., Železný, F. 2013 Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML PKDD 2013, part III, detail

Riguzzi, FR, Železný, F. 2013 Inductive Logic Programming, 22nd International Conference, ILP 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 17-19, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, detail

Blockeel, H., Kersting, K., Nijssen, S., Železný, F. 2013 Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML PKDD 2013, part II, detail

Blockeel, H., Kersting, K., Nijssen, S., Železný, F. 2013 Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML PKDD 2013, part I, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Železný, F. 2013 Bounded Least General Generalization, detail

Železný, F. 2012 Planning to Learn: Recent Developments and Future Directions, detail

Blockeel, H., Kersting, K., Nijssen, S., Železný, F. 2013 Guest editor's introduction: special issue of the ECML PKDD 2013 journal track, detail

Blockeel, H., Kersting, K., Nijssen, S., Železný, F. 2013 Guest editor's introduction: special issue of the ECML PKDD 2013 journal track, detail

Riguzzi, F., Železný, F. 2014 Guest editors introduction: special issue on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2012), detail

Kuželka, O., Holec, M., Matas, J., Železný, F. 2013 Systém pro výpočet Generálního a Hlavního klíče, detail

Kuželka, O., Szabóová, A., Železný, F. 2014 A Method for Reduction of Examples in Relational Learning, detail

Wohlfahrtova, M., Brabcova, I., Železný, F., Balaz, P., Janousek, L., Honsova, E., Lodererova, A., Wohlfahrt, P., Viklicky, O. 2014 Tubular atrophy and low netrin-1 expression leves are risk factors associated with delayed kidney allograft function, detail

Monge, D A, Holec, M., Železný, F., Garino, C G 2014 Ensemble Learning of Run-Time Prediction Models for Data-Intensive Scientific Workflows, detail

Železný, F. 2014 Satisfiability Machines, detail

Jalovec, K., Železný, F. 2014 Binary Classification of Metagenomic Samples Using Discriminative DNA Superstrings, detail

Černoch, R., Hájíček, J., Železný, F. 2014 Progress in Automatic Construction of Key-Lock Systems, detail

Nava Velazco, U., Malinka, F., Kybic, J., Železný, F. 2014 Automatic Analysis of Spatial Gene Expression Patterns, detail

Holec, M., Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2015 Novel Gene Sets Improve Set-level Classification of Prokaryotic Gene Expression Data, detail

Monge, D.A., Holec, M., Železný, F., Garino, C.G. 2015 Ensemble Learning of Runtime Prediction Models for Gene-expression Analysis Workflows, detail

Monge, D.A., Holec, M., Železný, F., Garino, CG 2015 Learning Running-time Prediction Models for Gene-Expression Analysis Workflows, detail

Železný, F., Černoch, R., Vyskočil, J. 2015 CyberCalc, detail

Železný, F., Zídek, J. 2002 Dobývání znalostí a podpora rozhodování v telekomunikacích, detail

Szabóová, A., Kuželka, O., Železný, F., Tolar, J. 2010 Prediction of DNA-Binding Proteins from Relational Features, detail

Ryšavý, P., Železný, F. 2016 Estimating Sequence Similarity from Read Sets for Clustering Sequencing Data, detail

Železný, F. 2016 Master Key Systems Calculation for Assa Abloy Belgium (Litto), detail

Železný, F. 2016 CISCO Networks Data Analysis: Progress Report on Neural-Symbolic Learning Application, detail

Železný, F. 2016 CISCO Networks Data Analysis: Progress Report on Wrapping up the Event Construction Method, detail

Černoch, R., Kuželka, O., Železný, F. 2016 Polynomial and Extensible Solutions in Lock-Chart Solving, detail

Ryšavý, P., Železný, F. 2017 Estimating Sequence Similarity from Contig Sets, detail

Železný, F., Černoch, R. 2017 Lock-chart Solving Algorithm Testbed, detail

Černoch, R., Železný, F. 2018 Zpráva o výslecích vývoje a validace, detail

Ryšavý, P., Železný, F. 2019 Estimating sequence similarity from read sets for clustering next-generation sequencing data, detail

Železný, F., Černoch, R. 2018 Detekce úzkých hrdel, detail

Železný, F., Černoch, R. 2018 Generická pravidla, detail

Železný, F., Černoch, R. 2018 Výzkumná zpráva - 1. rok, detail

Železný, F., Černoch, R. 2018 Výzkumná zpráva - 2. rok, detail

Kuželka, O. 2013 Fast Construction of Relational Features for Machine Learning, detail

Pluskal, O., Šedivý, J. 2014 Predicting Players Behavior in Games with Microtransactions, detail

Pluskal, O. 2015 Behavioural Malware Detection Using Efficient SVM Implementation, detail

Pluskal, O. 2016 Predicting Time of Purchase in Games with Microtransactions, detail