Fišer, P., Hlavička, J., Kubátová, H. 2003 Coverage-Directed Assignment Approach to BIST, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J., Kubátová, H. 2003 CD-A Based BIST Method, detail
Herout, P., Racek, S., Hlavička, J. 2003 A Method of Functional Verification of Reliable Embedded Computer System, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J., Kubátová, H. 2003 Column-Matching BIST Exploiting Test Don't-Cares, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J., Kubátová, H. 2003 FC-Min: A Fast Multi-Output Boolean Minimizer, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2003 BOOM - A Heuristic Boolean Minimizer, detail
Kubátová, H., Hlavička, J., Racek, S., Kolář, J. 2003 Fault Injection for Time Triggered Architecture (FIT), detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2003 A Flexible Minimization and Partitioning Method, detail
Herout, P., Racek, S., Hlavička, J. 2002 Model-Based Dependability Evaluation Method for TTP/C Based Systems, detail
Hlavička, J., Racek, S.R. 2002 C-Sim - The C Language Enhancement for Discrete-Time Simulation, detail
Náplava, P., Hlavička, J., Jelínek, I. 2002 Annual Report 2001, detail
Straube, B., Marinissen, E., Kotásek, Z., Novák, O., Hlavička, J., Růžička, R. 2002 Proceedings of IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop 2002, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2002 A Set of Logic Design Benchmarks, detail
Ademaj, A., Grillinger, P., Herout, P., Hlavička, J. 2002 Fault Tolerance Evaluation Using Two Software Based Fault Injection Methods, detail
ElShafey, K., Hlavička, J. 2002 Estimating the Amount of Spare CLBs for Reconfiguring FPGA, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2002 A Flexible Minimization and Partitioning Method, detail
ElShafey, K., Hlavička, J. 2002 On-Line Detection and Location of Faulty CLBs in FPGA-Based Systems, detail
Hlavička, J., Fišer, P. 2002 Minimization and Partitioning Method Reducing Input Sets, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2002 Column-Matching Based BIST Design Method, detail
Hlavička, J. 2001 Priority rozvoje informační společnosti v ČR, detail
Hlavička, J., Renovell, M., Pataricza, A., Sziray, J., Benyó, B. 2001 Proceedings of IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2001 Implicant Expansion Methods Used in the Boom Minimizer, detail
Hlavička, J., Fišer, P. 2001 A Heuristic Method of Two-Level Logic Synthesis, detail
Náplava, P., Hlavička, J., Jelínek, I. 2001 Annual Report 2000, detail
Hlavička, J., Racek, S., Herout, P. 2001 Modeling a Fault-Tolerant Distributed System, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2001 On the Use of Mutations in Boolean Minimization, detail
Kotásek, Z., Růžička, R., Strnadel, J., Hlavička, J. 2001 Interactive Tool for Behavioral Level Testability Analysis, detail
Bečvář, M., Daněk, M., ElShafey, K., Hlavička, J., Schmidt, J. 2001 Architecture Acceleration using FPGAs, detail
Hlavička, J., Fišer, P. 2001 BOOM - a Heuristic Boolean Minimizer, detail
ElShafey, K., Schmidt, J., Hlavička, J. 2001 Design and Analysis of a Suitable Serial Approach to CORDIC Magnitude Processor in an FPGA, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2001 BOOM - a Boolean Minimizer, detail
ElShafey, K., Hlavička, J., Schmidt, J. 2001 A Comparison of Serial and Parallel Approaches to FPGA Implementations of Arithmetic Functions, detail
ElShafey, K., Hlavička, J. 2001 An On-Line Self-Checking Approach for Testing FPGA Logic Blocks, detail
ElShafey, K., Hlavička, J. 2001 An Approach for Testing FPGA Logic Blocks, detail
Hlavička, J. 2000 Built-in Self-Test in Circuits with more than 10 Million Transistors, detail
Náplava, P., Hlavička, J., Jelínek, I. 2000 Annual Report 1999, detail
Hlavička, J., Schmidt, J. 2000 Programovatelné logické obvody, detail
Hlavička, J. 2000 Testování programovatelných hradlových polí I, detail
Hlavička, J. 2000 Testování programovatelných hradlových polí II, detail
Hlavička, J., Kadlec, J. 2000 Vstup českých institucí do evropské informační společnosti, detail
Hlavička, J., Racek, S., Herout, P. 2000 Evaluation of Process Controller Fault Tolerance using Simulation, detail
Hlavička, J., Kadlec, J. 2000 Vstup do evropské informační společnosti - program IST, detail
Fišer, P., Hlavička, J. 2000 Efficient Minimization Method for Incompletely Defined Boolean Functions, detail
Kotásek, Z., Růžička, R., Hlavička, J. 2000 Formal Approach to the RTL Testability Analysis, detail
Vais, V., Racek, S., Hlavička, J. 2000 Dependability Model of a Distributed Authentication System, detail
Novák, O., Hlavička, J. 2000 An Efficient Deterministic Test Pattern Compaction Scheme using Modified IC Scan Chain, detail
Hlavička, J., Fišer, P. 2000 Algorithm for Minimization of Partial Boolean Functions, detail
Květoň, K., Hlavička, J., Maruna, Z., Dubnová, M. 1999 Koncepce národní informační politiky ve vysokoškolském vzdělávání, detail
Hlavička, J., Herout, P., Racek, S. 1999 Simulační ověření funkce spolehlivého průmyslového mikropočítače, detail
Hlavička, J. 1999 On the Representativenes of ISCAS Benchmarks, detail
Hlavička, J., Květoň, K. 1999 Contributions of UNESCO to the Building of Future Information Society, detail
Hlavička, J. 1999 Fault injection as a tool for FT process controller design, detail
Hlavička, J., Racek, S., Herout, P. 1999 C-Sim v.4.1, detail
Hlavička, J., Macek, T., Kolář, J., Mannová, B., Williams, B. 1999 International Dimension of Virtual University, detail
Vais, V., Racek, S., Hlavička, J. 1999 Reliability Analysis of an Authentication Process, detail
Květoň, K., Hlavička, J. 1999 Contributions of UNESCO to the Building of Future Information Society, detail
Hlavička, J., Maehle, E., Pataricza, A. 1999 Dependable Computing - EDCC-3, detail
Květoň, K., Hlavička, J. 1998 Strategy for Transition to the Information Society in the Czech Republic, detail
Hlavička, J. 1998 Bezpečnost komerčního využití Internetu, detail
Hlavička, J., Racek, S., Herout, P. 1998 Analysis and Testing of Process Controller Dependability, detail
Novák, O., Hlavička, J. 1998 Design of a Cellular Automaton for Efficient Test Pattern Generation, detail
Hlavička, J. 1998 The Challenge of RUFIS'97, detail
Racek, S., Herout, P., Hlavička, J. 1998 Fault Injection as a Tool for FT Process Controller Design, detail
Hlavička, J. 1998 Bezpečnost informačních systémů, detail
Hlavička, J. 1998 Diagnostika a spolehlivost, detail
Květoň, K., Hlavička, J. 1998 Strategy for Transition to the Information Society in the Czech Republic, detail
Hlavička, J. 1998 Architektura počítačů, detail
Hlavička, J., Novák, O. 1998 Methods of Pseudoexhaustive Test Pattern Generation, detail
Kotásek, Z., Zbořil, F., Hlavička, J. 1997 Test Overhead Reduction through RT Level Testability Analysis, detail
Hlavička, J., Novák, O. 1997 Built-in Self-Test Equipment: State of the Art, detail
Blatný, J., Kotásek, Z., Hlavička, J. 1997 RT Level Test Scheduling, detail
Hlavička, J., Květoň, K. 1997 RUFIS '97. Proceedings for International Part of the Conference, detail
Hlavička, J. 1997 Computer Architecture, detail
Hlavička, J., Racek, S., Šmrha, P. 1996 Functional Validation of Fault-Tolerant Asynchronous Algorithms, detail
Hlavička, J. 1996 Architektura počítačů, detail
Hlavička, J., Novák, O. 1996 Enhancing Pseudoexhaustive Test Set Quality by Code Bit Inversions, detail
Hlavička, J., Racek, S. 1996 Multiprocesorové systémy, detail
Hlavička, J. 1996 Pseudoexhaustive Test Set Generator with Code Bit Inversions, detail
Zorian, Y., Hlavička, J. 1996 East Meets West, detail
Hlavička, J. 1995 Vývojové tendence superpočítačů, detail
Hlavička, J. 1995 Design and Test as Twin Disciplines, detail
Novák, O., Hlavička, J. 1995 Enhancing Fault Coverage of Pseudoexhaustive Test Sets, detail
Kotásek, Z., Kotásek, P., Hlavička, J. 1995 RT Level Test Scheduling Procedure, detail
Hlavička, J. 1994 Disková pole, detail
Hlavička, J. 1994 Future Directions in Dependable Computing - Position Paper, detail
Blatný, J., Kotásek, Z., Hlavička, J. 1993 I - Path Analysis, detail
Blatný, J., Kotásek, Z., Hlavička, J. 1993 RT Level Scheduling, detail
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