Gregoire, J., Čáp, M., Frazzoli, E. 2018 Locally-optimal Multi-robot Navigation Under Delaying Disturbances Using Homotopy Constraints, detail
Fiedler, D., Čertický, M., Alonso-Mora, J., Čáp, M. 2018 The Impact of Ridesharing in Mobility-on-Demand Systems: Simulation Case Study in Prague, detail
Čáp, M., Vajna, S., Frazzoli, E. 2018 Fleet Sizing in Vehicle Sharing Systems with Service Quality Guarantees, detail
Schaefer, M., Čáp, M., Vokřínek, J. 2017 AgentDrive: Agent-Based Simulator for Intelligent Cars and Its Application for Development of a Lane-Changing Assistant, detail
Fiedler, D., Čáp, M., Čertický, M. 2017 Impact of Mobility-on-Demand on Traffic Congestion: Simulation-based Study, detail
2017 Duckietown: An Open,Inexpensive and Flexible Platform for Autonomy Education and Research, detail
Čáp, M. 2017 Centralized and Decentralized Algorithms for Multi-Robot Trajectory Coordination, detail
Čáp, M., Gregorie, J., Frazzoli, E. 2016 Provably safe and deadlock-free execution of multi-robot plans under delaying disturbances, detail
Paden, B, Čáp, M., Yong, S.Z., Yershov, D., Frazzoli, E. 2016 A Survey of Motion Planning and Control Techniques for Self-Driving Urban Vehicles, detail
Čáp, M., Novák, P., Kleiner, A., Selecký, M. 2015 Prioritized Planning Algorithms for Trajectory Coordination of Multiple Mobile Robots, detail
Čáp, M., Vokřínek, J., Kleiner, A. 2015 Complete Decentralized Method for On-Line Multi-Robot Trajectory Planning in Valid Infrastructures, detail
Čáp, M., Novák, P., Kleiner, A. 2015 Finding Near-optimal Solutions in Multi-robot Trajectory Planning, detail
Janovský, P., Čáp, M., Vokřínek, J. 2014 Finding Coordinated Paths for Multiple Holonomic Agents in 2-D Polygonal Environment (Page 1117), detail
Čáp, M., Novák, P., Selecký, M., Faigl, J., Vokřínek, J. 2013 Asynchronous decentralized prioritized planning for coordination in multi-robot system, detail
Čáp, M., Novák, P., Vokřínek, J., Pěchouček, M. 2013 Multi-agent RRT*: Sampling-based Cooperative Pathfinding, detail
Vokřínek, J., Čáp, M., Horký, A., Pěchouček, M. 2013 Research for Applying Multi-Agent Techniques towards Onboard Automobile Purposes, detail
Novák, P., Komenda, A., Čáp, M., Vokřínek, J., Pěchouček, M. 2013 Simulated Multi-robot Tactical Missions in Urban Warfare, detail
Komenda, A., Vokřínek, J., Čáp, M., Pěchouček, M. 2013 Developing Multiagent Algorithms for Tactical Missions Using Simulation, detail
Selecký, M., Štolba, M., Meiser, T., Čáp, M., Komenda, A., Rollo, M., Vokřínek, J., Pěchouček, M. 2013 Deployment of Multi-agent Algorithms for Tactical Operations on UAV Hardware, detail
Čáp, M., Novák, P., Vokřínek, J., Pěchouček, M. 2013 Multi-agent RRT*: sampling-based cooperative pathfinding, detail
Novák, P., Komenda, A., Lisý, V., Bošanský, B., Čáp, M., Pěchouček, M. 2012 Tactical Operations of Multi-Robot Teams in Urban Warfare (Demonstration), detail
Komenda, A., Čáp, M., Pěchouček, M. 2012 Multi-agent Simulation Approach to Development of Applications for Decentralized Tactical Missions, detail
Jakob, M., Pěchouček, M., Čáp, M., Novák, P., Vaněk, O. 2012 Mixed-Reality Testbeds for Incremental Development of HART Applications, detail
Čáp, M., Novák, P., Vokřínek, J., Pěchouček, M. 2012 Asynchronous decentralized algorithm for space-time cooperative pathfinding, detail
Štolba, M., Selecký, M., Meiser, T., Čáp, M., Rollo, M., Komenda, A., Vokřínek, J., Pěchouček, M. 2012 AgentFly-In-Air: HW deployment, experimentation and testing of the results from the Tactical AgentFly and AgentScout projects, detail
Bošanský, B., Čáp, M., Komenda, A., Lisý, V., Novák, P., Pěchouček, M. 2011 Deliberative and Reactive Planning in Adversarial Environments, detail
Čáp, M., Dastani, M., Harbes, M. 2011 Belief/Goal Sharing Modules for BDI Languages, detail
Čáp, M., Dastani, M., Harbers, M. 2011 Belief/Goal Sharing BDI Modules, detail
Čáp, M., Vokřínek, J., Komenda, A. 2011 Communication and Computation Bounded Agents in Multi Agent Simulations, detail
Čáp, M., Heuvelink, A., van den Bosch, K., van Doesburg, W. 2010 Using Agent Technology to Build a Real World Training Application, detail
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