RCI Offsite in Moninec

Hotel Monínec (January 20–21, 2020)

The Research Center for Informatics, centre of scientific excellence in computer science and artificial intelligence that boosts and integrates internationally competitive research conducted at CTU, organized the first offsite in year 2020. This time the group went to Monínec (Sedlec-Prčice) and share the newest research results at a two-day conference. All presentations are available for download at the end of this article.

Day 1

On the first day of the offsite, J. Kukal presented his research on Multiple Hypothesis Testing which he conducted with his colleague V. Tran. He shared his inputs on how useful this method is in the biomedical research and outlined possible applications in other fields. D. Langr followed him with his talk on Parallel Basis Generation in Ab-Initio Nuclear Structure Calculation. Apart from it being an exciting topics for a research it has a great potential for improving computer performance (in terms of higher configuration). Langr‘s proposed model included nuclear structure calculations which were challenging to explain to other researchers in a short time. Luckily RCI had a valuable member present in the audience – P. Škoda who has a solid background in physic and could thus help the others understand.

After a short coffee break, D. Knop talked about Multitype Integer Monoid Optimization (in terms of eliminating nested loops to make coding easier) and possible applications of such Framework in scheduling. P. Švarný was the next speaker with probably the most visual presentation with a number of practical examples. He introduced his work in the field of human-robot interaction, namely how to set up safety measures for most efficient collaboration of people and machines. Using the concept of peripersonal space that affects how we function and feel in a certain environment he and his colleagues came up with something called „perirobot space“ to compute the perception. Funny stories from testing the robot’s comfort zones was just an icing on the cake before lunch.

Afternoon session started with T. Hodaň’s talk in which he described something called 6D Pose Estimation. By representing an object in compact surface fragments he was allowed to handle partial symmetries systematically which is applicable to different materials as well. For those having difficulties perceiving the visual elements, PhD student D. Palivcová came up with a solution – she created a device to help the visually impaired elderly with spatial orientation by implementing haptic and auditory signals. This human-computer interaction device was also presented at the offsite and gained recognition by senior researchers as well.

Powered by another coffee break we continued with the presentation by J. Bělohoubek who talked about CMOS Illumination Discloses Processed Data that play a rather important role in circuit security for networks endangered by physical attacks. Last but not least, V. Blažej introduced his research on Induced Online Ramsey Number of Paths, Cycles, and Trees co-authored by T. Valla. He framed his work in the context of combinational game theory, i.e. sequential games with perfect information (= played in turns with no randomness).

Day 2

Second day of the conference was opened by D. Večerka who is responsible for the architecture of our computer cluster we build for the RCI project. He shared some interesting statistics about the usability of the cluster and suggested some operational methods to exploit the potential of computational power. D. Novák spoke next about the influence of Duodenal–Jejunal Implantation on Glucose Dynamics including some insights from a pilot study which used different nonlinear methods. Given the vast possibilities of application (i.e. in treating artrial fibrillation) that may one day be relevant to everyone, the whole audience listened very carefully. J. Bittner concluded with his presentation on Ray Classification for Accelerated BVH Traversal. He explained the existing methods for realistic image synthesis and focused on how to simulate light propagation. In the end he encouraged other researchers to download the modified renderer which is available for free.

Final discussions were followed by group meetings in the respective work packages.

Conference program and presentations


RCI Project Coordinator: Lucie Stewart (stewaluc@fel.cvut.cz)
RCI website: http://rci.cvut.cz/

The project RCI with reg. no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000765 is supported by EU and runs from 1/3/2018 to 30/6/2023.