Aposemat project in TechniCall

Internet of things (IoT) is one of the most vulnerable devices in cybersecurity. Therefore we try to learn how the attackers think, what strategies they use and how can we improve the security systems. Our team StratosphereIPS does that together with Avast in the Aposemat project. Now you can read about this cooperation and research findings in our new article in the university magazine TechniCall.

Read the whole article in TecniCall [Czech only]

About the project

The Aposemat project is a join project with Avast Software company to create, publish and analyze malware attacks on IoT devices. The project started on February 2018.

The goals of the project:

  • Create a laboratory of IoT devices ready to be infected and attacked
  • Obtain and use real IoT malware to infect the devices and store the datasets. Each dataset is at least one week long.
  • To analyze the behaviors in the network in order to find new attacks, new variants of malware and better understand how the malware evolves.
  • Help the community be more prepare to protect themselves from IoT malware.
  • To install and maintain a network of Honeypots of real IoT devices to better study the impact of attacks on real life situations. The list of devices used as honeypots includes Raspberry Pies, NAS storages, different routers, IP cameras, computers for controlling robots, Alexa Echo devices, Philips Hue lamps, etc.